Our Blended Oils – why diffusing is so beneficial

Our Blended Oils – why diffusing is so beneficial

Whilst many of us associate aromatherapy with candles and massages, there are other ways of delivering aromatherapy which still scents your home but also has optimum aromatherapeutic effect.

We learn here about the best method of delivering therapeutic effect but first a little bit on scent and the nose!


Inhalation is fastest way to absorb and have aromatherapeutic effect – limbic system

  • Effect on psyche from inhalation/ Number of drops
    • Blended Oils and Electric diffuser
    • Pillow mist
    • Blended Bath Salts
  • Topically - Osmosis/ Absorption - into the skin and then into bloodstream
    • Pulse Point Oils -the power of the dab - fast absorption into system; therapeutic effect; moisturising
    • Blended Bath Salts –not just relaxing - aches/ pains/ sprains/ mood/ anti-inflammatory/ cleansing - Not only with your own EO Blend, but the mix of three different types of salts is what marks these out – to optimise the effects and the efficiency and ease of use

 Restore Blended Oils

Our pure essential oils blends are simply fine, natural botanicals, blended with you and nature in mind. All the good stuff, in concentrated form, with no additives and absolutely no synthetic fragrance oils.

Aroma-therapeutic benefits in 30ml or 10ml dropper bottles, with a glass pipette.

Perfect for room scenting with a diffuser, and adding to carrier oils.

Ready for diffusing with an electronic diffuser, the best method of delivering the aroma-therapeutic effect, or in an oil burner or for your aromatherapeutic blending with our Restore Carrier Oil.

with you and nature in mind

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